
Arduino Serial Monitor Input


What is sir mean by 'not checking serial input any more'? That mean i need to check the serial input in my loop? I have change my code as follow, but it still doesn't work, because the LED can't blink anymore after i send '1' via serial monitor, below is my code. A user can enter data in the input field in the serial monitor window to send values and data to the Arduino. Any serial program, or even a custom serial application can be used to send data to the Arduino instead of using the Serial Monitor window. Except for part 13 of this course, the Serial Monitor window has only been used for output purposes. It was used to display the results or outputs from various example sketches in each part of the course. Jan 08, 2018  Hi forum, we are trying to make a school project with the arduino mega 2560 we want to control a servo from serial.monitor.we want to give a angle(a.

Created on: 19 March 2015

Using serial inputs is not much more complex than serial output. To send characters over serial from your computer to the Arduino just open the serial monitor and type something in the field next to the Send button. Press the Send button or the Enter key on your keyboard to send. Coding wise, let’s dive into an example. How to input NUMBERS through Arduino serial.monitor??? I would like to ask, how can my Arduino read/store a number that I sent through the serial.monitor??? If I want to say to Arduino, how fast it should flash a LED or how fast should a motor turn. So it reads, what number I write to the serial.monitor. Here, I will describe how to read the input from Serial Monitor and show the input. For this, we require Arduino IDE for writing the program. Here, I have my IDE.

Part 19 of the Arduino Programming Course

This part of the Arduino programming course shows how to get data into an Arduino sketch from the serial port. Data can be sent to the Arduino from the Serial Monitor window in the Arduino IDE.

A user can enter data in the input field in the serial monitor window to send values and data to the Arduino. Any serial program, or even a custom serial application can be used to send data to the Arduino instead of using the Serial Monitor window.

Except for part 13 of this course, the Serial Monitor window has only been used for output purposes. It was used to display the results or outputs from various example sketches in each part of the course. Let's now look at how to handle both serial input and output.

Getting Serial Input

The following sketch shows how to get a single character from the Serial Monitor window and determine if the character is a number or not.

This video shows the sketch running.

How the Sketch Works

Checking for a Character

In the Arduino main loop (loop() function), an if statement is used to check if a character is available on the serial port – i.e. if a character has been sent from the Serial Monitor window and received by the Arduino.

Arduino user input serial

This if statement is run as fast as it takes to run the if statement and get back to the top of the loop to run it again.

Nothing in the body of the if statement is run until a character is received.

Getting a Character

When a character is received on the serial port, it is stored in a character variable (of type char) called rx_byte.

A copy of the received character is now stored in the rx_byte variable and we can use the received character in our sketch.

Check if the Received Character is a Number

The sketch tests whether the received character is a number or not by checking if the character is greater than or equal to '0' and less than or equal to '9'.

We are actually checking for the character numbers '0' to '9' and not the actual integer numbers 0 to 9. This is because the data received from the Serial Monitor window is in ASCII format.

From the table that shows the printable ASCII characters, we can see that the ASCII character '0' has the integer value of 48 decimal and the ASCII character '9' has the decimal value of 57. In other words when '0' is typed on the keyboard in the Serial Monitor window 'send' field and the Send button is clicked, the integer value of 48 is sent to the Arduino. In the sketch, we can refer to this character as '0' or 48.

The same if statement could be written using decimal integers as follows:

This code would do exactly the same as the version that checks for the characters.

If the character received is one of the number characters, the number character will be printed out. The else statement takes care of any character that is not a number character.


Getting String Input

The previous sketch was used to get and process a single character at a time. It will be more useful if we could get a whole string at a time, then we could get a name as input, or a number that is more than one digit long.

Finding the End of a String

A string is a series of characters. To be able to read a string from the serial port in the Arduino, we will need to know when the string ends. One way to do this is to insert a newline character at the end of the string. A newline character is a non-printable ASCII character that is called 'line feed' in the ASCII control code table.

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The linefeed character has a value of 10 decimal but can be written as an escape code in an Arduino sketch as: 'n'.

The following sketch is a modified version of the previous sketch. In addition to checking whether a number or non-number is received, it also checks whether the newline character is received.

When the sketch is run and a character is sent from the Serial Monitor window, a setting at the bottom of the Serial Monitor window must be changed so that a newline character is appended to the character sent as shown in the image below the sketch.

This video shows the sketch running.

Before running the sketch, make sure that the Arduino Serial Monitor window is set to 'Newline' as shown in this image.

Setting the Newline Character in the Serial Monitor Window

When 'Newline' is set in the Serial Monitor window, whatever is typed into the 'send' field of the Serial Monitor window, will be followed by a newline character.

An else if is used to test if a newline character has been received as shown in this line of code.

This code checks for the newline character which is represented by 'n' and prints 'Newline' to the Serial Monitor window if found.

Reading a String

The sketch below reads a string into the Arduino and uses the newline character to determine when the string ends.

This video shows the sketch running.

Each individual character of the string is obtained in the same way as the previous sketches and stored in the rx_byte variable.

If the character is not equal to the newline character, then it is added to the String object rx_str.

The line of code rx_str += rx_byte; is the same as:

It simply puts each character onto the end of the string to build up the string from received characters.

After the string has been assembled, the newline character will be received which will then trigger the else statement and the received string is printed out to the Serial Monitor window as part of a welcome message.

Getting a Number

When a number is received from the Serial Monitor window, it is a string of number characters and must be converted into a number that can be stored in a number variable such as an integer or int.

The following sketch checks to see that the received characters are number characters and then converts the number to an integer.

This video shows the sketch running.

Building the String

A string is built up of received characters as done in the previous sketch. If any character received is not a character number, the variable not_number Viewsonic monitor drivers for windows 7. is set to true to 'flag' that a non-number character was received.

Using a Boolean Flag

The not_number variable is of type boolean which can only have a value of true or false. In the sketch, this variable is used as a flag which is checked later to see if any non-number characters were received.

After receiving the full string, which occurs when the newline character is received, the not_number flag is checked and a message is displayed if any character received was not a number.

Processing the String

If all the received characters were numbers, the string is converted to an integer using rx_str.toInt(), multiplied by 2 and the result stored in the result variable. The result of the calculation in then printed to the Serial Monitor Window.

Sketch Limitations

There are some limitations with this sketch. We cannot get a result when a negative number is sent to the Arduino because the minus sign will trigger the not_number flag. The size of the number that can be multiplied is also limited by the size of a positive integer on the Arduino.

Part 20 of the course coming soon..

← Go back to Part 18

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Arduino Programming Course

We briefly touched upon this topic in our post about Arduino serial input, but inspired by this excellent tutorial by Stephen Brennan we thought it would be fun to create a more rigid command line interface (aka. CLI) for the Arduino than what we did in the serial input post. We recommend you read Brennan’s tutorial regardless since it contains a lot of important info about this topic and programming in general which we won’t mention here.

Having a CLI on an embedded system like the one in this blog post is quite different from a shell in Linux for instance since you usually don’t have an OS to back you up with multiprocessing and all that jazz. There are ways around this, but we’ve kept everything sequential for simplicity’s sake in this example. This means that several tasks can’t run simultaneously and that one task has to finish before starting a new one.

What our CLI looks like in Arduino’s serial monitor.

The purpose of a CLI like this on an Arduino is to have the ability to send text commands to it during runtime to execute certain tasks, such as controlling a servo, displaying text on a screen or launching a rocket.

We’re basically going to go quickly go through the code in chunks in this post. But first we’ll briefly explain what our program does.


The primary purpose of this specific code is to control the on-board LED tied to pin 13 on the Arduino. You can either turn it on, off or having it blink 10 times at a given frequency. We’ve also included a help command which explains what each command does as well as an exit command which just puts the program in a while(1) state.

The Code

The code itself is just over 200 lines where many are just pure printing functions, so the core functionality is not that complex.

Setting Things up

Let’s start with the global variables, defines and the setup() and loop() functions.

When the user enters a command, the program will compare it to the strings in commands_str and call the function in commands_func with the same index.

Top-level Functions

The cli_init() function which is called in setup() just displays a short welcome message while my_cli() is where the the magic starts to happen.

The Meat of the CLI

Three important functions are called within my_cli(). These are:

  • read_line() – this waits for input from the user and stores it in the line string.
  • parse_line() – this divides the input into arguments and stores them in the args list. The delimiter used is a space.
  • execute() – this calls the correct function based on the user’s input.

Arduino Serial Monitor Input Rs232 Example

The memset functions reset the line string and the args list to zero.

In the read_line() function we don’t really guard against very long inputs. It is still stored in the line_string Arduino string. This means that very long inputs can still mess with our memory.

In the parse_line() function, strtok() is the real work horse. This function splits a string into several substrings where it finds the delimiter specified, which in our case is a white space. Read more about strtok()here.

The execute() function is pretty straight forward. Notice that the function in commands_func at index i is called when returning from this function within the for loop.

Getting Help

Here you have all the help functionality. When the user types help and press enter, the cmd_help() function is called. This function checks what the user wrote after help and call the correct function based on that. help_help(), help_led() and help_exit() are just functions that print stuff to the terminal.

LED Control and a Silly Exit Function

The cmd_led() function is the only one that uses three arguments. The third argument (blinking frequency) is used directly in the calculation and not just to to define what function to call.

The cmd_exit() doesn’t check other arguments, so no matter what you write after exit, it will run normally.


Arduino Serial Monitor Input Download

The most important thing to learn from this blog post is the core building blocks my_cli(), read_line(), parse_line() and execute() and the general flow of the program. To make it possible for commands to run “simultaneously” you will have to make some fundamental changes to the program flow and make the read function non-blocking.

Arduino Serial Monitor Input System

Also, as already mentioned, make sure you take a look at Brennan’s tutorial.