
Stock Market Board Game Rules



Sep 27, 2010  Subject: Stock Market RULES - USA Version (1968) Each time he throws the dice thereafter, he follows the direction of the arrow in the square he is leaving. BUYING STOCK: As each player lands on a new square, he immediately moves the quotation board indicator up or down the number of spaces indicated. Stock Market– stock exchange board game - a business world strategy game - large, rollable gaming mat, easy to care - new way to play: no dice needed (option) If th.

Stock Market– stock exchange board game

- a business world strategy game

- large, rollable gaming mat, easy to care
- new way to play: no dice needed (option)
If they believe, they’ve see everything in the field of financial strategy games, here comes absolutely revolutionary way to play. Realistic, easy to play, but not too simple. Stock Exchange business is not that easy in real life also. No need for paper or other memo materials. Playing could be just as intensive and stress loaded as real life stock broker life, while waiting for the profits to come and still everything could collapse in a moment.
The game suits best for the advanced players over 10 years old. It’s a demanding product for those, who likes to dive into parallel universe of game

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The Idea…
Stock Market is a reality game following the rules of stock exchange world, where assets increase is mostimportant. In this game the Players are both: brokers and investors. The Bank sells tokens used forinvesting. As in real stock market, the idea is to buy low and sell high. The rates change every turn, eachPlayers can make one or multiplied exchanges on own turn. Dice can be used to play, but usually StockMarket is played with finger marks, that determine the rate vectors. The duration of one game can bedefined by players, e.g. 40 or 60 min. The person to make most of their capital within the agreed timebrackets is the winner.ATTENTION: Dramatic turns in the body of the game can cause stress symptoms when taken too seriously.It was our goal to make this game as real as possible following stock exchange ups and lows dramas.Anyway, this is a virtual reality only. Relax and enjoy!

How to Play
To begin:Roll open Lite Lion Games rollable Stock market gaming mat. Place violet rate detectors to the mid-space, marked “0”. At least two players are recommended to be on the opposite side of eachother/other side of the table to make the finger marks drawing easier. The Players choose own colourfrom the four colours available. Each Player gets 5 pcs tokens of the corresponding colour, each ofnominal value of LL$400 of investment, and LL$2320 cash. The cash money is issued as following: 1 pcsLL$1000, 6 pcs LL$100, 9 pcs LL$50, 9 pcs LL$20 and 9 pcs LL$10. The investment tokens can beexchanged to cash in the Bank as equal to LL$400 each.The beginner can be chosen in any suitable way, as coin draw and etc. In according to the sequence ofturns, each Player has equal amount of turns per game.

The Turn

The Rate:For each turn two Players draw the number. The number is counted together on fingers of two Playersat once: The Player, whose turn in on and any other Player as agreed. The hand is hidden behind theback or under the table and when released, the amount 0-5 can be shown on fingers (as pictured). Thegross number on both Players’ hands valued 1-10 is the number of the share to move. It can go up or

down. The violet indicator is moved one step up to down to show the quote of the particular share.The position of the palm is important: if both Players’ palm is facing down, the rate decreases, otherwisethe rate increases. If both Players shows zero, the rate of each share 1-10 decreases one level. If bothPlayers show same even number, the vector of each even number share (2,4,6,8,10) is moved one step.If both Players show same odd number, the vector of each odd number share (1,3,5,7,9) is moved onestep.ATTENTION: Step and Level enjoy different relevancy. Step is one space on the rate indicator vector,when Level is a grade on the vertical vector.

Changing the Rates with Dice:The Player of the upcoming turn throws one of dice first. Numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6 increase the Rate by onestep. Numbers 1 and 2 decrease the Rate by one step. Then the Players throw two dice. The grossnumber is the number of the Share, which goes up or down. The violet Rate Indicator is moved one stepforward or back. If dice return gross number 12, all the Shares 2-11 decrease one level. If both dicereturn with same even number, the vector of each even number Share (2,4,6,8,10) is moved one step. .If both dice return with same odd number, the vector of each odd number Share (1,3,5,7,9) is movedone step.ATTENTION: Step and Level enjoy different relevancy. Step is one space on the rate indicator vector,when Level is a grade on the vertical vector. When played with dice,Shares are marked with numbers 2-11, so Share #1 equals with number11 on dice. Dice gross number 12 is equal to zero on fingers. Otherwisethe instructions are same.

Quotation changes:Quotation changes after each Trade (buy/sell) event except the firstinvestment round. As the Asset is invested, the Quotation Indicator ismoved a step forward. As the Asset is released (the Shares are sold out),the quotation indicator moves a step back. The changes take place afterthe trade event is completed. The quotation always moves one stepdespite the value of the trade event. The Quotation Indicator moves asillustrated considering steps 1-7. The horizontal step does not changethe rate. When moving downwards, the Indicator moves same, but inthe opposite direction. When Rate Level changes, the Indicator goes over green or red line.

Exchange:As Exchange Rate changes, the Player completes the Trade. Each Turn allows to make multiple Trades(Buy/Sell Events). The Player invests one or more Units into the chosen Enterprise. One non-recurringinvestment nominal value is $400.
Investment Purchase Rate:
If the Rate Indicator is in zero space (“0”), the Investment is in its nominal value of $400.
If the RateIndicator is e.g. +20, the Investor has to pay $400+$20=$420….
If the Rate is e.g. -60, the Investment is $60 below the nominal value, so they can get a $60 refund from the Bank or buy the shares for $400-$60=$340.

The Investment token is placed to the same space with the Rate Indicator.Investment Sales Rate? ProfitIf the Investment Token is in e.g. in space “0” (zero) and Rate Indicator is in space “+40”, the Investmentis evaluated $400+$40. So, the Investor gets $40 profit. NOTE: When selling shares out, the investedsum is not refunded to the Bank but stays in the possession of the Investor (the Player). The Investorgets interest from the Bank $40 for each invested unit. (?)? Lost
If the Investment token is in space “-20” and the Rate is “-60”, the Player’s Investment is $40 below purchase price, so when selling, the Investor has to pay $40 to the Bank for each Invested Unit. So, the Player gains a loss of $40. The Investment token returns to its nominal value of $400 after this action.Exchange commissionThe Exchange charges a commission for each assignment. Each Investment Unit placed into Shares isdue to the brokerage of $10.

Rate Development
Top Rate
Reaching its top value, the Rate development stops. Getting a raise claim, while enjoying the top rateposition, the Rate collapse three levels down, e.g. from level +120 to level +60.
Bottom Rate
Reaching its bottom value, the Rate development gets out of control. Getting a reduce claim, whileenjoying the bottom rate position, the Share turns valueless and all the Investment have to be returnedto the Bank without reimbursement. This action forces the Rate back to zero level.

Trades Between Investors
The Players are allowed to trade Shares/Investments between each other. The trades occur accordingthe Rate levels. Reciprocal trading is not due to commissions, neither it influences the Rate. The buyerplaces their Investment token instead of the Seller´s ones, and the Seller’s tokens are returned to theBank. The Bank does not pay for the tokens as they are paid by the Buyer. The price can be also agreedin-between the parties, as in some cases singular Investor for particular Share is an advantage.

The Winner
The game is over when the agreed time period is full. As the Investments are liquidated, the Player who gains the biggest capital is the winner. The game is also over, if every Share’s Rate is in its top value. Thiscondition also enforces Investments’ liquidation.DurationDuration of one game round is subject to the number of Players.

—description from the publisher

Stock Ticker Board Game

Rules of the Stock Market Game
View Local Rules
Summary Table of SMG Rules (printable)

Stock Market Board Game Whitman

Portfolio Rules

  1. Each team begins the simulation with $100,000 in cash and may borrow additional funds. How much you may borrow is dependent on the equity in your account. Teams that buy on margin must maintain the Minimum Maintenance requirement. If you dip below this level, you will receive a margin call and must sell off enough investments to meet Minimum Maintenance. If a team still has not met its Minimum Maintenance requirement within seven days, the SMG system will automatically liquidate enough of the portfolio's investments to collect the required amount.
  2. Interest is charged weekly on negative cash balances at an annual rate of 7%, and credited weekly on positive cash balances at an annual rate of 0.75%. Interest is calculated daily, then summed for the week (Saturday - Friday) and posted Saturday (with Friday's date). The daily rate is based on a 365-day year. Daily Interest = Cash x Appropriate Interest Rate (as a decimal) / 365. Bond coupon payments will be posted when due. Bond buyers will also be charged for accrued interest since the last coupon payment. Bond sellers will receive accrued interest since the last coupon payment.
  3. Teams may trade only stocks and mutual funds listed on the NASDAQ Stock Market and the New York Stock Exchange. Teams cannot trade over-the-counter or 'pink sheet' stocks since they often price incorrectly. In addition, extremely volatile stocks or stocks that trade infrequently are not permitted and may be liquidated to protect portfolio stability. SMG reserves the right to cancel transactions in these securities as deemed necessary.
  4. Some regions may also trade a pre-determined group of municipal, corporate, and Treasury bonds. Only bonds provided by SMG may be traded. These bonds will be investment grade, with S&P ratings of 'BBB' or higher. Teams cannot trade unrated bonds or those with lower than 'BBB' ratings, also known as high-yield or 'junk' bonds, as they often carry higher default risk.
  5. A record of a team's portfolio and transactions will be available daily. A team will not receive a portfolio nor be listed in regional rankings until its initial transaction is entered successfully. A student can only be assigned to ONE portfolio per game period.
  6. Teams do not have to liquidate their portfolios at the end of the game. Winners will be determined based on either Total Equity or Percent Return Above/Below S&P 500 Growth. (Some states may use additional criteria to determine winners). For more information, please click here.
Transaction Rules

Old Stock Market Board Game

  1. The minimum market capitalization for stocks in SMG is $25 million, and SMG does not permit buying stocks or mutual funds or short selling stocks that trade below $3 per share the day before and the day of execution. These low-priced stocks, also known as 'penny' stocks, are risky and volatile investments. Sell transactions on long positions and short cover transactions on short positions will be accepted, even if the price is less than $3 per share.
  2. All stock and mutual fund buy orders and stock short sell orders must be for a minimum of 10 shares. Sell orders on existing inventory and short cover orders for less than 10 shares will be permitted. Municipal and corporate bonds can only be traded in $1,000 increments, and Treasury bonds can only be traded in $100 increments. Bonds and mutual funds cannot be sold short.
  3. Stock transactions in Real-Time games are executed at market price at the time of entry, while bond and mutual fund transactions are treated as End-of-Day transactions and are executed at that day's closing price. End-of-Day game transactions are priced at market daily closing prices for all asset types. Participants of End-of Day games may delete pending transactions prior to market close.
  4. SMG is run Monday - Friday with hours of operation from 9:30AM ET - 4PM ET. Teams may trade on any day the participating stock markets are open. Orders may be entered seven days a week during hours the system is available. Stock trades entered after close of market (4PM ET) or on weekends and market holidays will be priced at the next business day's opening price for Real-Time games and at the next business day's closing price for End-of-Day games. Bonds and mutual funds will be priced at the next business day's closing price for both Real-Time and End-of-Day games.
  5. Transactions entered with a limit price will not be held past the initial attempt to price the transaction during market hours. This applies to both Real-Time and End-of-Day games.
  6. Trades can only be processed in whole. There are no partial fills.
  7. A $5 per-trade commission fee is charged on all transactions. An SEC fee is also charged on all sell transactions.
  8. Short positions held in stocks are marked to the market daily and the resulting gain or loss is added or subtracted from Cash Balance. No mark-to-market transactions are posted in Transaction History. (Please note: there is no short-selling allowed in non-margin cash accounts.)
  9. No back posting of trades will be done for trades of securities not contained within the SMG Security Table. Once the missing security has been added, the security can be traded. The same rule applies to trades rejected if they are incorrectly pricing below $3. Once the pricing has been corrected, the security can be traded. There is no post-dating of trades due to the system being unavailable.
  10. Stock and cash dividends and stock splits are automatically computed into portfolios. Every effort is made to simulate as closely to real life as possible a variety of other corporate actions (mergers, acquisitions, spinoffs, etc.), which may include the standard three-day settlement period. In this case, it may be necessary to suspend trading of a given security until the action can be completed. Canadian stocks trading on US exchanges cannot be traded between a split's record date and its payout date. It is the responsibility of teams to check their portfolios for accuracy and notify their Coordinator by email of any problems that are encountered.
Additional Rules

  1. Any violation of the rules of the SMG may result in the invalidation of a transaction. Repeated violation of the rules may result in the disqualification of a team.
  2. Additional rules have been developed in some states and, if applicable, have been included in your Coordinator's Information Page. It is the responsibility of your team to learn and abide by all rules.

Stock Market Tycoon Board Game Rules

Code of Participation

Stock Market Board Game

  1. SMG advisors must be responsible adults 18 years of age or older. In no case may they be a matriculated student in grades K-12.
  2. SMG advisors will ensure that every participant on their team(s) has read and understands the SMG Rules and the Code of Participation.
  3. Teams that do not comply with the SMG Code of Participation will be removed from the portfolio rankings. The authority to remove a team from the rankings lies solely with the team's SMG coordinator organization.
  4. Teams are responsible for maintaining the secrecy of their password and the integrity of their portfolio. Each team is responsible for any opening or closing transactions entered in its portfolio. Teams may not enter transactions in portfolios other than their own. (When a team asserts that a transaction was entered by a non-member, the team will still be ranked based on their portfolio, which will include the challenged transaction.)
  5. Only transactions stored on the SMG database will be recognized for the purposes of evaluating portfolio Total Equity and determining rankings.
  6. The SIFMA Foundation is responsible for the accuracy of market data. Teams are responsible for reporting any major price discrepancies found in their portfolios. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. In extreme cases of disregard for this rule, the SIFMA Foundation reserves the right to delete teams from the game. If a team believes a stock price or other information is incorrect, the team advisor shall notify their Coordinator by email.
  7. In the event of an error on the part of SIFMA Foundation and/or coordinator organization(s), their liability to a participant shall be limited to the refund of registration fees paid.