
C Dll Wrapper


1 day ago We have developed a C# dll that is used company wide. This was developed using visual studio 2019, framework 4.7.2. We are creating a visual studio C 2005 axtivex wrapper that will allow equipment we used to access the C# methods and properties via COM. The application works as designed on windows XP, 7 and 10 running full versions of windows. I'm attempting to write a wrapper so that my C# application can use a DLL written in C. Here is a method definition that I'm trying to wrap: void methodA(const uint32t.data); //c header declaration The issue I'm having is trying to figure out how to give a equivalent pointer from c#. In c# I want it to operate on a. The C/CLI is a dialect of C that is designed to work with the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI). It is a replacement for 'Managed C' and makes every feature of the CLI easily accessible from C. Mircea demonstrates the architecture that is involved in a C/CLI wrapper that allows you to. C/CLI wrapper for native DLL (CppCLINativeDl lWrapper) The code sample demonstrates using C/CLI to wrap a native DLL. Your.NET project can reference the C/CLI wrapper to indirectly call the native DLL.

  1. Cell Wrapping In Excel Online
  2. Cell Wrapped In Tinfoil
  3. C# Dll Tutorial
  4. Cell Wrapping Excel
  5. C++ Dll Wrapper Generator
  • How to: Create COM Wrappers.; 2 minutes to read +9; In this article. You can create Component Object Model (COM) wrappers by using Visual Studio 2005 features or the.NET Framework tools Tlbimp.exe and Regasm.exe. Both methods generate two types of COM wrappers: A Runtime Callable Wrapper from a type library to run a COM object in.
  • Nov 09, 2006  I don't think a 'DLL Wrapper' is the answer, though you can make a library if you want. A much cleaner solution I think is to recognize that - C is a typed language - you need to write something that Game Maker can use, or not use C to do this.
  • Nov 04, 2016  How to: Wrap Native Class for Use by C#.; 2 minutes to read +1; In this article. This sample shows how to wrap a native C class so it can be consumed by code authored in C#, or other.NET language.

Compatible with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP and 2000

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Overview of Wrapper.dll

What Is Wrapper.dll?

Wrapper.dll is a type of DLL file associated with Wrapper developed by Foxy Games for the Windows Operating System. The latest known version of Wrapper.dll is, which was produced for Windows. This DLL file carries a popularity rating of 1 stars and a security rating of 'UNKNOWN'.

What Are DLL Files?

DLL ('dynamic link library') files such as Wrapper.dll are small programs, similar to EXE ('executable') files, which allow multiple software programs to share the same functionality (eg. printing).


For example, let's say you are running Windows and editing a document in Microsoft Word. The DLL file that controls printing does not need to load unless it's function is needed - eg. you decide to print your document. When you select 'Print', Microsoft Word calls the printer DLL file, and it is loaded into memory (RAM) at that time. If you want to print a document in another program, Adobe Acrobat for example, that same printer DLL file will be used as well.

Why Do I Have DLL Errors?

Because they are shared files, DLL files exist outside of the software application itself. Although this provides many benefits for software developers, this separation also provides an opportunity for problems to occur.

Quite simply, if Windows cannot properly load your Wrapper.dll file, you will encounter an error message. Please see 'Causes of Wrapper.dll Errors' below for more information.

When Do DLL Errors Occur?

DLL errors, such as those associated with Wrapper.dll, most often occur during computer startup, program startup, or while trying to use a specific function in your program (eg. printing).

Common Wrapper.dll Error Messages

The most common Wrapper.dll errors that can appear on a Windows-based computer are:

  • 'Wrapper.dll not found.'
  • 'The file Wrapper.dll is missing.'
  • 'Wrapper.dll Access Violation.'
  • 'Cannot register Wrapper.dll.'
  • 'Cannot find C:WindowsSystem32Wrapper.dll.'
  • 'Cannot start Wrapper. A required component is missing: Wrapper.dll. Please install Wrapper again.'
  • 'This application failed to start because Wrapper.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.'

These DLL error messages can appear during program installation, while a Wrapper.dll-related software program (eg. Wrapper) is running, during Windows startup or shutdown, or even during the installation of the Windows operating system. Keeping track of when and where your Wrapper.dll error occurs is a critical piece of information in troubleshooting the problem.

A program that generates code to implement a DLL Proxy.

Also known as DLL Reflection or DLL Redirection.


DLL Proxying is a technique in which an attacker replaces a DLL with a Trojanversion, renaming the original rather than deleting it. This Trojan DLLimplements functions which the attacker wishes to intercept or modify, whileforwarding all other functions to the original DLL. The attacker can thus Manin the Middle the functions they’re interested in, and forward the rest to theoriginal DLL, minimizing the amount of work needed while ensuring functionalityis not reduced or broken.

The entire attack is conducted in a six-step process:

  1. Analyze original DLL
  2. Identify functions to modify
  3. Implement modified functions in Trojan DLL
  4. Forward all other functions to the original DLL
  5. Rename original DLL
  6. Place Trojan DLL

This project supports x86 and x64, and has been tested on Windows 10, but shouldwork with Windows 7 and up.

  • Full x86 and x64 Support
  • Support for Exports as Ordinals
  • Support for Forward Exports as Ordinals
  • Generate stub code for intercepted functions that load the original targetDLL, as well as a handle to the original function being intercepted. A printfcall made to prove interception (as an example).
  • Generate Assembly (MASM) stub code to jump into original function beingintercepted. Note: Inline assembly isn't supported in x64 with Visual Studios.


While the entire attack is a six-step process, this process can be grouped intotwo phases:

  1. Creation of the Trojan DLL
  2. Implementation of the Trojan DLL.

In the first phase, the Trojan DLL must be coded, with intercepted functionsimplemented and exported. All remaining functions must make use of the PEformats Forward Exports to export to the original DLL.

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In the second phase,write permissions will be required at the target DLLs location to rename theoriginal DLL, and write the Trojan in its place.

This project focuses on the first phase of the process. It will generate thecode to intercept the desired functions, as well as stub code to then call theoriginal implementation of that function. The linker commands required toimplement Forward Exports for non-implemented functions will also be generated.

Generated code can then be imported into a Visual Studio DLL Project, andcompiled into a DLL.

Generated code must be able to intercept by name or ordinal value, forward by nameor ordinal value, but must also handle any forward exports the target DLL may poses.

The following must thus be handled:


  • Intercept by name
  • Intercept by ordinal

Forward Exports

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  • Forward by name to a function exported by name
  • Forward by ordinal to a function exported by ordinal
  • Forward by name to a function exported by ordinal
  • Forward by ordinal to a function exported by name


Open DLL_Wrapper.sln with Visual Studio and build Debug or Release, x86 or x64depending on needs.

This program uses a CLI, and must be run from cmd.exe. No GUI yet.

One argument is required by the program, the path to a configuration file.

There is a configuration file configuration.xml atDLL_Wrapper/DLL_Wrapper/configuration.xml with a mock example.

To clarify:

  • <target>: Path to the DLL you’re proxying
  • <rename_target>: The name that will be given to the original DLL after itis renamed
  • <output_dir>: The directory to output generated source code
  • <intercepts>: List of functions to intercept
    • <function>: Function to intercept
      • <name>: Name of the function to intercept (can be an ordinal)
      • <paramaters>: (optional) list of parameters for the function
        • <param>: Function parameter. Attribute type is required.

Cell Wrapped In Tinfoil

To intercept by ordinal the configuration file requires the following format for the name:'ord' + ordinal_value. For example, to intercept ordinal 5: ord5.

Generated stub code to implement a Proxy DLL will be output to the <outuput_dir>.

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A subtle but important implementation to note; this stub code will produce both a DEF fileand make use of VS Linker Directives when exporting functions:

  • DEF file: used to export intercepted functions with a specific ordinal value. It isnot used for Forward Exports due to a linking verification done by the linker which wouldprevent the build of the Proxy DLL.
  • VS Linker Directives: placed in a header file forwards.h, these directives allowus to create Forward Export entries in the Exports Directory of the DLL without the linkerverification.

C# Dll Tutorial

I am not sure why a linking verification is done when specifying a Forward Export in a DEF file,nor why it is NOT performed when using VS Linker Directives.


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An example of a DLL which is proxied and used by a victim application can be found here: https://github.com/kevinalmansa/DLL_Wrapper_Example

C++ Dll Wrapper Generator

Licensed under the MIT License. Please see LICENSE for details.